“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
I have always been “different”…I have tried to fit in to conform to the acceptable norms… the shoulds…like “you should settle down”, “get married”, “have children”, “get a real job”… “be more domestic”…. There is nothing wrong with any of this, I know many people who have found their fire in this more conventional life and I think it is beautiful and fully support them in their choices. There are plenty of Raca Rara moms, wives, homemakers, and lawyers out there in the world…
For me… I have always leaned toward the unconventional…a little outside the box in my choices. I am a seeker, a creative, a wanderer, exotic in my fashion and lifestyle choices. I need to move freely, and dance to the beat of my own drum to be my most luminous self, I am Raca Rara…a rare breed of woman.
It is from here that I can best be of service, I had to get real about what I am good at and let go of what I am not, I had to let go of the guilt and stop apologizing for being “not like other girls” …and when I turned my focus on what I have figured out and stepped into my authentic self…Raca Rara was born.
I offer you my gift of a journey to your authentic style through The Raca Rara Collective Monthly Membership Program, vintage fashion and objects at Raca Rara Vintage, And my E-Book Raca Rara- Uncovering Your Authentic Style, (coming soon) -including inspired self care rituals, radical daydreaming, experimental luxury, and nomadic sophistication, for an unconventional lifestyle.
Are you a Raca Rara?
Enjoy the Journey.