Nomad A La Mode

Nomad A la Mode.

Time to hit the road again, Raca Rara Style …think wandering with a side of glam.

Nomad, one who roams. She was a wanderer searching for the endless summer.

Nomad- One who Roams; People who have no fixed residence but move about from place to place…usually seasonally.

She was a Nomad, a wanderer…searching for the endless summer.

A La Mode, stylish and fashionable. Or, served with ice cream.

A La Mode- Stylish and Fashionable…or Served with Ice Cream.

Either way…get ready for Summer road trips or extended travel.

Dip your toe in the Nomad life…Raca Rara Style.

Here are a few must haves for doing it Nomad A La Mode.

Nomadic Sophistication. You need a vintage kimono.

Nomad Ala Mode.

You need some cool shades and a vintage kimono.

Nomad style. Beach hair don't care.

Beach Hair Don’t Care

Nomad A la Mode- Embrace the wind swept, sun bleached, air dried look.

If your hair is just too unruly for this vibe, then go with a vintage scarf or turban to tame your locks in style.

Nomad style, beach braids.

Braids and Buns are another way to go Nomad A la Mode.

Vintage hair scarf.

Nomad A La Mode- Vintage Square Scarf to Tame that Wild Beach Hair… find these at any thrift ($2.00 or less) or vintage shop ($20.00 and up)… or make your own cut a square of fabric 24” x 24” or larger, finish the edges with a 1/4 inch seam, or leave them frayed.

Nomad A La Mode- Swimsuits are Optional

Nomad hot spot. Hawaii.

One Stop on the Nomad Map…The Banyan Tree Sanctuary in Kona Hawaii

A place of peace, 100% vegan community for like minded Seekers.

They have a salt water pool…swimsuits are optional after dark.

Nomad style, you need two swim suits.

Nomad A La Mode- There are more than a few spots on the nomad map where it’s more than acceptable to swim sans swim suit, but for the daylight hours at least…I recommend packing two, a one piece and a bikini. Having two ensures that you always have a dry one.

Swim suits do double duty. Bikini top paired with a skirt or sarong.

Nomad A La Mode- A swim suit that has been chosen wisely can serve double duty as a sexy top paired with a skirt, sarong, or wide leg pants. Space is at a premium for Nomad life. Keep it simple and chic.

The sarong, the most versatile item in your nomad wardrobe.

The Sarong probably the most versatile piece in your Nomad A La Mode wardrobe…I am always singing the praises of this travel staple. Read more about my love of the Sarong and it’s many uses in the Bohemian Weekend Guide. If you don’t have a Sarong substitute a long colorful skirt.

Bohemian uniform for all. The Kaftan.

Nomad A La Mode- The Kaftan Dress, the bohemian uniform for all. Chic enough for a night out and comfortable enough to sleep in. Nomad Requirements…

Road Trip Season. Nomad A La Mode, life on the road in style.

Nomad A La Mode

Book the Trip, Enjoy the Journey!


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