The Solstice Mala: How to Prep, Practice, and Absorb


Will you be joining many yoga students and teachers around the World in practicing a Solstice Mala?

A Solstice Mala is the practice of 108 Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) a powerful and transformational purification practice to set intentions, fire up the Agni and fan the flames!

The Winter Solstice, the first day of Winter. Heading into Winter a time of deep introspection and connection to the authentic self, practicing the Solstice Mala is an opportunity to press the reset button. A reset to flood the body with fresh, clean, Prana, creating an upward flow of energy, assisting in the release of all that is stuck and stagnant, and allowing space for healing and transformation.

The Solstice Mala: How to Prep, Practice, and Absorb

How to Keep Track– Head to the pantry and count out twelve dried beans. Each bean will represent a set of nine Sun Salutations- This is how to set it up: place a row of 6 beans at the top of your yoga mat. Practice Sun Salutation A (three times) Sun Salutation C (three times) Sun Salutation B (three times) = Nine Salutations. Take one bean and move it off the mat, now do that five more times…. 6 Beans * (9 Sun Salutations per bean)= 54 Sun Salutations! BOOM… you are half way there. Take a break and repeat for the second half. (I have found that having only six beans at a time makes the practice more accessible) If you don’t have beans you could substitute cheerios, macaroni, pebbles, sea shells, whatever…get creative

The Solstice Mala: How to Prep

The Day Before– Make sure to drink plenty of water and maybe eat some extra carbs at dinner. I love an excuse to have pasta for supper. Get to bed early, shoot for a solid eight hours of sleep.

The Morning Of– Take some time to get into your journal, and set intentions for a new cycle. What would you like to do between now and the Summer Solstice in June? How do you want to feel? What would you like to let go of? Take your time, and give yourself permission to write freely, because this is just for you.

Hydrate– Drink plenty of water… you are going to sweat. Room temperature water- maybe some fresh pressed juice. If you are attending a Solstice Mala Event at a Yoga Studio, an Outdoor Space, or any location outside your home I strongly recommend bringing a refillable water bottle with you.

Breakfast– If you plan on eating breakfast before you begin your practice I would suggest eating light. A protein shake, small bowl of oatmeal with a scoop of nut butter, or a slice of whole grain toast with avocado, give yourself at least an hour between eating and the time you begin your practice.

Home or Away-If you are heading out to practice with others…What are you going to wear? Yoga pants preferably black, or black shorts …Why Black?…as I said before, you are going to sweat so, use your imagination.  As for tops, I find that a fitted tee-shirt or tank top works best, because you want something that will stay in place without having to adjust it a million times, keep it simple.

The Solstice Mala: How to Prep, Practice, and Absorb

Time to Practice– get set up with your first six beans at the top of your yoga mat, your towel and water near by- before you begin to move through your first set of Sun Salutations take a moment for stillness. Drop into the breath and revisit your intentions that you had written earlier, maybe adding a few minutes of pranayama (breath-work). When you feel your internal cue make your way to the top of the mat and begin.

After about 15-30 minutes you may begin to feel some resistance, this is completely normal…recognize it and allow space for it to clear. Stay focused on the breath.

Of course, childs pose (Balasana/Bahktasana) is always available, so rest when you need to, honor your body! Take a break at Half Time (10-15 minutes) then set up your next 6 beans, reconnect with the breath, and begin the second half of the Solstice Mala.

Know When to Fold Em!–  “there is no yoga jail”- If you don’t complete 108 Sun Salutations, you don’t have to beat yourself up, there is no Karmic punishment for this (as far as I know.) What is important is the intention and the wish to grow. The Solstice Mala is not a completion, it is a practice of purification to deepen the connection to the authentic self. 

The Solstice Mala: How to Prep, Practice, and Absorb

Savasana–  Coming into the final resting pose (Savasana) symbolic of the death of the former self. This time of stillness is extremely important to absorb the deep purification and transformational power of the Solstice Mala. Allow the body to rest in stillness. Awakening from Savasana is symbolic of rolling out of the former self and into the authentic self, a rebirth. 

After the Practice-Self Care, take it easy for the rest of the day, so go for a gentle walk, drink lots of water, eat light healthy food, take a hot bath, and get back into your journal add anything that may have came up for you during the Solstice Mala. Soak in the benefits of this practice. 

Enjoy the Journey!

If you resonate with this and Yoga isn’t your thing, but you want to learn more about the Agni- the powerful fire of radical transformation within you, Inner Journeys- Meditation for Seekers Program can help you uncover your spark.


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Winter Solstice Mala: Sun Salutations, Sweat, Surrender, and Silence